
Hiya! My name is Astra, I’m an amateur radio operator located in San Jose, CA.

My interests are packet radio, specifically APRS and AREDN, storm spotting, and high altitude balloons.

Currently my HT radio collection consists of two Baofeng UV-82 and a Baofeng BF-F8HP. For mobile I use a Baofeng UV-5001 and a BTech UV-25X4. I have a NanoStation M2 which used to be an AREDN node. I also use several RTL-SDRs, as well as a RadioShack Pro 106 scanner for scanning.

I took my Technician exam in May 2016 and received my original call KG5NWH. A few months later, I requested the call W5MAW. At DEFCON 25 in July 2017, I passed the General exam.